
back to the routine of photographs, fabrics, feathers, post office, and the smell of dyes in my hands.
all orders have been shipped while others will depart on friday. the inevitable always happens though, I can't help it and start working on new things... I'll show you in the upcoming weeks.

to my great surprise, there has been a lot of features of DEAR JUNE lately. thank you so much for all the kindness! I'll be working on a press page very soon.

finishing a couple of interviews for some great blogs, too. it seems like therapy for my business, it's nice to sit, relax and simply write.

and just so you know, there are chances for you to win one of my scarves. two giveaways! one running on Greeneyed and another over at Henry Happened. both ending next week.

stay tuned for all that is to come!
